Pic of the Day: “Rumble on the Docks” revisited

Our (late) pic of the day is another from Rumble on the Docks (1956), the teenage On the Waterfront directed by Fred F. Sears. Timothy turns in a great supporting performance as Frank Mangus, the lackadaisical muscle behind racketeer Joe Brindo (Michael Granger).

Rumble on the DocksFrank is incapable of merely sitting on a couch or a chair – he must drape himself across it, over it, or around it. It’s pretty much a running gag throughout the film. Yet another part that could have been routine and forgettable in the hands of a lesser talent, here given the unmistakable Carey treatment.

One response to “Pic of the Day: “Rumble on the Docks” revisited

  1. This is around the time I first met Timothy, it was at the El Monte Valley Mall, corner of Lexington. I approached him, stuck out my hand which he shook without breaking it and told him I was a fan and that I had recently seen Rumble On The Docks which I thought he was great in it. I asked him what he thought of Danny Terranova, a fellow actor in Rumble, Timothy said Danny was a real cooool guy, drawing it out as only he could. I told him I was Richie and he said upon leaving, nice meeting you Richieeeeeeeeeeeeee, long and drawn out in his most baritone of voice. I saw him once again, in South El Monte, it was an open area, he had a T shirt on, kind of meandering around, maybe scouting locations to film. In any event it was a thrill to see him live. All the best, Richard


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