Video of the Week: “Bayou” (and some very good news!)

I had another video in mind for this week, but I got some exciting news today that changed everything! This Saturday night, July 11, at 11:00 pm PST, TCM Underground will be presenting the steamy Southern swampland double feature of Baby Doll (1956) and Bayou (1957). Now, this is not the version of Bayou that producer M.A. Ripps created in 1961 when he bought back the rights of the film, added some exploitation-style elements with stand-in actors, cut out some other stuff he deemed irrelevant, and re-released it to the Dixie drive-in crowd as Poor White Trash. No my friends, this is the original un-messed-with 1957 Bayou. Which I myself have never seen.

So, I highly suggest we all fire up our DVRs and catch this rare gem! Many thanks to our friend Richard Harland Smith for the tip o’the hat to the blog at the end of his great article linked to above! PS: The 1961 version (still called Bayou, though) is still available from

Video of the Week: “Bayou”

Well folks, looks like all of the Videos of the Week from now on are “from the archives,” as I’ve simply run out of new videos of Timothy to post. Here’s the first one I ever posted, and it’s one of the best. Tim’s Cajun brute Ulysses from Bayou (1957) has a chat with Jean Tithe (Eugene Sonfield) while his henchman Bos (Jonathan Haze) takes a nap. You may need subtitles.

As the video suggests, get your copy of Bayou at! They also have Speedtrap (1977) and Revolt in the Big House (1958)!

Pic of the Day: “Speedtrap” revisited

It’s time for another look at Speedtrap (1977), the drive-in classic directed by Earl Bellamy. Timothy is stellar as Larry Loomis, obliging torpedo to drug kingpin Spillano (Robert Loggia). Here they are grilling private eye Pete Novick (Joe Don Baker), who is quickly realizing that he is in way over his head.


This would make an absolutely perfect double bill with Mitchell (1975), also starring Baker. It’s practically a sequel. Go get your copy today at!

Video of the Week: “Bayou”

I have completely run out of videos to post, so it looks like I’m just going to have to start over. This is the very first video I posted nearly two years ago (no way!). Timothy’s Cajun brute Ulysses from Bayou (1957) has a chat with Jean Tithe (Eugene Sonfield) while Bos (Jonathan Haze) takes a nap. You may need subtitles.

As the video suggests, get your copy of Bayou at! They also have Speedtrap and Revolt in the Big House!


Pic of the Day: “Revolt in the Big House” revisited

Today we go up the river once again with Revolt in the Big House (1958), directed by R.G. Springsteen (no relation to Bruce, as far as I know).  Timothy’s Bugsy Kyle has just gotten a look at the new guy, Lou Gannon (Gene Evans).

Revolt in the Big House

Another character in the film refers to Bugsy as “the one with the chest.” Here’s another example of Tim taking what could have been a routine stereotypical part and putting his unique stamp on it. Until Revolt sees a long-overdue proper DVD release, get yourself a copy right here.

Pic of the Day: “Bayou” revisited

Our pic for today is from Bayou (1957), directed by Harold Daniels, re-released with added sensationalist footage to the Southern drive-in audience as Poor White Trash by producer M.A. Ripps in 1961. I absolutely could not resist posting this shot of Tim. It is, to me, the very definition of swagger.

The Ulysses strut

Call this one “the Ulysses strut.” Until this film enjoys a long-overdue official DVD release, cop yourself a copy here.


Pic of the Day: “Revolt in the Big House” revisited

Our pic for today is another production still from Revolt in the Big House (1958), directed by R.G. Springsteen. Tim and the great Gene Evans (Sam Fuller‘s The Steel Helmet) are busy plotting said revolt.

Tim in his undershirt… oh, my. Ahem. Anyway, here’s another of Tim’s movies that has yet to see an official DVD release. Until that finally happens, please go here for this one, Bayou, Speedtrap, and many other stellar cult movie faves.