Pic of the Day: “Flight to Hong Kong” revisited

Our pic today takes a long-overdue look at Flight to Hong Kong (1956), the low-budget international diamond-smuggling caper directed by Joseph M. Newman. It looks like something inappropriate is going on here, but it’s just Tony Dumont (Rory Calhoun) trying to get thug Lagarto out of the way so he can get a better look at a mysterious suitcase, as Cappy (Bob Hopkins) and another miscreant in the shadows look on.

Flight to Hong Kong (1956)

Hopkins – and that’s Hopkins, not Hoskins – racked up many credited and uncredited bit parts in film and on television in his relatively short career. He died at the young age of 44 in 1962.

Pic of the Day: “Flight to Hong Kong” revisited

And out of that binder full of Timothy comes our pic of the day! It’s another bizarre promotional still for Flight to Hong Kong (1956), with another shot that isn’t actually in the movie. Along with this one, I’m sure these stills were basically used as models for poster artwork.

Rory Calhoun pretends to land a punch on Tim as Bob Hopkins (on the left) and another unidentified actor (I’ll try and figure out who he is) look on. Hopkins and Tim both had small uncredited roles in I’ll Cry Tomorrow (1955).

Pic of the Day: “Flight to Hong Kong” revisited

Starting off the work week is another look at Flight to Hong Kong (1956), directed by Joseph M. Newman. Timothy’s sleazy thug-for-hire Lagarto and his pal Cappy (Bob Hopkins) are eager to open what Tony Dumont (Rory Calhoun) wants them to think is a suitcase full of diamonds. It isn’t.

Not much else to say about this one. Tim’s appearance is, as usual, brief but memorable. You can catch this one on Netflix Instant; it’s worth a look.

Pic of the Day: “Flight to Hong Kong”

I know I’ve already posted a pic from this one, but I recently got ahold of this publicity still from the film, and it’s too weird not to post. Tim is barely visible as one of the gang beating up a shirtless Rory Calhoun.

Flight to Hong Kong

The fellow in front is Bob Hopkins, whom I always think of as resembling Errol Flynn gone to seed. The weird thing about this photo is, there is no scene in the film that even comes close to resembling it. Tim and his gang never beat up Calhoun, and Calhoun keeps his shirt on throughout the film (unfortunately). You can see a weird little version of this on the poster for the film. It’s just one of those strange Hollywood moments, I guess.