Pic of the Day: “One-Eyed Jacks” promotional piece

It’s Nigel Tufnel Day and we’re turning it all the way up to eleven with today’s pic, which comes to us courtesy of the awesome friend-of-the-blog Toby of 50 Westerns From the 50s! It’s from an “Information Guide” from One-Eyed Jacks (1961) that was probably sent to the press for promotional purposes.

Scariest pic of Tim ever!

I have to tell you, this is the scariest, creepiest pic of Tim I have ever seen! It strengthens my belief that there was something else going on with Howard Tetley that just got written out of the film for some reason (and, no big surprise, this was yet another film that Tim was fired from). You never really get a good look at him, and when you do it looks like his eyes are swollen shut or something. And is that chili all over his face?? It’s just weird, is all.

2 responses to “Pic of the Day: “One-Eyed Jacks” promotional piece

  1. That must be the worst promotional piece I have ever seen! Words like expelled, varied, brief, fling put him down as unreliable no-good sort of person. Rehashing the Billy Wilder event has a negative slant. Yes, the photo is terrible! The order of the movies listed seems rather strange, although ending with The Wild One makes sense as a transitional device.


    • You’re right, sweetie! It’s like somebody just knocked it off as an afterthought. It’s not the greatest promotional material I’ve ever encountered, but it definitely has historical and archival value if nothing else.


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